Local authorities and social housing landlords are looking to improve the thermal insulation of their housing stocks to lower fuel consumption, costs and carbon emissions while meeting current regulations and improving the living standards of their tenants. Where those homes are solid wall properties, prefabricated houses or precast concrete high rise buildings with narrow cavities, the use of rendered external insulation panels is popular and can improve the thermal U value of the walls by some 75%.
However, if the external elevations are unable to support the additional load of the new insulation and decorative finish due to weak, corroded or insufficient wall ties, these must be replaced or supplemented with new ties. If the inner skin or piers are constructed from clinker blocks, concrete or dense material, secure wall tie installation can be very difficult and unreliable, particularly as engineers may specify pull-out loads larger than the usual 1kn to account for the additional loading.
Helifix one-piece, helical stainless steel remedial ties are able to satisfy these varied conditions and provide property owners with a rapid cost-effective solution. Frequently the Helifx DryFix tie is appropriate, which is rapidly installed using a special tool to power-drive the tie into both leaves via a small pilot hole, which is easily disguised. It requires no grouts, resins or mechanical expansion so can be load-tested immediately to establish its suitability The requirements of the engineer, contractor and property owner are all satisfied, quickly and economically.