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Become An Expert In Your Field With Helifix CPD Courses

Ongoing Professional Development CPD Training Helifix

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is an essential tool for ensuring that professionals in any sector are receiving up-to-date knowledge and skills to enhance both performance and their future career.

Helifix is a leading provider of CPD courses for the masonry, brickwork and retrofit sectors. With both in-person and online training available, the CPD provides expansive product training and educational content from experienced trainers.

Find out more about each of the Helifix CPD seminars by clicking here.

What Helifix CPD training is available?

Helifix provides a number of courses on the best practices of masonry, brickwork and retrofit.

Our CPD training programme includes:

• Modern Methods of Masonry Repair
• Helical Micro-Piling, New Construction, Foundation Stabilisation, Structural Repair
• Subsidence Stabilisation, Helical Micro-Piling and Structural Repair Techniques

The sessions can be delivered in-person at your offices with a complimentary buffet provided, alternatively the CPD training can be delivered via Microsoft Teams at a time and date which fits your schedule.

To find out more about Helifix CPD accreditation and to register for upcoming courses click here.